Top 4 Poses of Yoga For Easy Weight Loss

Yoga Pose 1 for Easy Weight Loss : Sage Pose Yoga

Step by step procedure of Sage pose yoga :

Sage Pose Yoga Step 1 : Sit upright in a comfortable cross-legged position, with your fingertips on the floor slightly behind you.

Step 2 : Inhale, and lengthen your spine.

Step 3 : As you exhale, twist gently to your right, bringing your left hand onto your right knee.

Sage Pose Yoga Final Step 4 : Take 5 to 10 breaths. Come back to center

Then repeat to the left.

What sage pose yoga mainly do : Releases spinal tension, Helps in Easy weight loss.

Yoga Pose 2 for Easy Weight Loss : Chair Pose Yoga

Step by step procedure of Chair Pose Yoga

Chair Pose Yoga Step 1 : Stand with your arms at your sides, feet together. Inhale.

Step 2 : As you exhale, bend your knees, and shift your hips back as if sitting in a chair.

Step 3 : Stretch your arms overhead.

Step 4 : Contract your abs to support your back.

Step 5 : Press into your feet. Take 5 to 10 breaths.

Chair Pose Yoga Final Step 6 : Slowly stand back up.

What chair pose yoga mainly do : Teaches balance, coordination, stamina and also helps in loosing weight.

Yoga Pose 3 for Easy Weight Loss : Bridge Pose Yoga


Step by step procedure of Bridge Pose Yoga

Bridge Pose Yoga Step 1 : Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hip distance apart, with arms straight down at your sides, palms up. Inhale.

Step 2 : As you exhale, press your heels down to lift your hips and back off the floor.

Step 3 : Press your arms into the mat.

Step 4 : Take 5 to 10 breaths.

Bridge Pose Yoga Final Step 5 : Exhale as you lower, rolling down one vertebra at a time.

What Bridge Pose yoga mainly do : Help in weight loss, Relieves tension and improves flexibility.

Yoga Pose 4 for Easy Weight Loss : Seated Forward Bend Yoga


Step by step procedure of  Seated Forward Bend Yoga

Seated Forward Bend Yoga Step 1 : Sit upright with your legs extended in front of you.

Step 2 : Place a strap or belt around your feet.

Step 3 : Fold forward from your hips, not your lower back.

Step 4 : Keep your chest lifted, aiming it toward your shins, and your shoulders down.

Yoga Step 5 : Take 5 to 10 breaths.

Seated Forward Bend Yoga Final Step 6 : Slowly sit back up.

Tags :

Easy weight loss, Yoga for weight loss, Sage pose yoga, Seated Forward Bend Yoga, Bridge Pose Yoga, Chair Pose Yoga, Top 4 Yoga Poses, Yoga for weight loss, yoga poses for weight loss.

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